The bali sea: An inward journey

Gallery Description

I left Antigua with a backpack containing only a journal, a few rolls of film, and a camera older than me, on what would end up being a journey of deep introspection and spiritual healing. I had no plan and little idea of where I would come up with one. All I knew was that I was going to try to rediscover my love of photography in a place and in a way unfamiliar to me. 

This body of work is a story composed of one photo each day of my backpacking trip through the islands of Indonesia. Each shot represents a moment of my inward journey during the trip and is a reflection of the unique cultures and peoples who make up Indonesia. In an age where the islands of Bali, Lombok, and the Gilis are overrun with bloggers, influencers, and digital photographers, I disconnected from all digital media, left my electronics at home, and moved through the world one day at a time, with only my film camera and my journal. It is my hope that viewers of this body of work experience a perspective of the islands free of digital distraction, cultural appropriation, and gentrification of these frequently traveled-to places. Indonesia taught me things I might have otherwise missed. I traveled with my eyes, heart, and ears wide open, and I grew. These photos are the visual journal of a healing heart. 


Joseph Nance is a professional wedding & portrait photographer based in Antigua Guatemala. His storytelling approach to his work in photography has earned recognition in international publications, galleries, and photography competitions.  Throughout his travels, Joseph photographs everyday moments in faraway places. His unique perspective captures the people, landscape, and culture of unfamiliar places. In his photographs, untold stories emerge that might otherwise be forgotten. From street vendors to surfers and taxi drivers to fellow travelers, Joseph’s work offers an intimate window into the cultures of distant lands.